World Down Syndrome Day

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

This day was noted the first time in 2006 to signify Trisomy 21, the triplication of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down syndrome.  And many show their support by wearing crazy or mismatched socks.  My guy is a big fan of Dr. Seuss and “The Cat in the Hat” 🙂 .

Although there are common physical traits that are shared by people with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, like an upward slant to the eyes, low muscle tone, and a wide gap between their first and second toes, they are just as unique as anyone else.

Also, some see one with a diagnosis of Down syndrome as limited and not very capable, but with support and encouragement, they can accomplish many things a typical person can – they can read and write, ride a bike, graduate from high school, be employed, get married, and live on their own (just to name a few).

Our family has grown and been blessed by our guy.  He has shown us more patience, compassion, and love than we could imagine.  What gifts to share to the whole world!

Thank you for being on this journey with us, shedding a different light on disabilities!

To hear more about our story, I hope you will watch the interview I did about our family and “I AM EXCEPTIONAL”, the book I wrote in honor of my son.

1 Corinthians 12:22-27

#specialneeds #specialneedsmamas #specialneedskids #inclusion #createdforapurpose #differentnotless