Thankfulness in the middle of chaos or uncertainty

When your world seems upside-down, when things are different than you expect, can you be thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT) 

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

When your older son forgets his chrome book at home and you rush to the school to bring it to him, hurry back to get your younger son on the bus, find out (after school) that your younger son’s chrome book was at home all day, fret that you let him down, and he meets your apology with “No worries!” and a smile, be thankful.

When it is one of those days where it is snowy and cold and you decide dinner will be soup and sandwiches, and then you receive rave reviews on the Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, be thankful.

When you watch your husband spend father-son time showing his teenage son how to fix the brakes, and you see your son’s confidence boost as he’s learned a new skill, be thankful.

When 2020 seems to have shut down a lot of things, but special times of games and movies with your family have increased, be thankful.

When you catch a sweet break from the tornado of a teenager and he asks you how you are and how you slept, be thankful.

When your teenager is blessed with a really nice math teacher, be thankful.

When your special needs child rises to his potential to show his teachers he can read and he knows it, be thankful.

When your child continues to learn how to handle fasteners on pants and you find an alternative through adaptive clothes like Tommy Hilfiger to help him grow in his independence, be thankful.

Life may be uncertain or chaotic at times, but look through the dust and look for that little shimmer to be thankful for. 

Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving!

Looking forward to having a conversation with you and hearing more about your story. 

Thank you for being on this journey with us, shedding a different light on disabilities!

1 Corinthians 12:22-27

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